Advocate to Congress During Summer Learning Week
Take action now by sending this prewritten letter to your members of Congress.

School is still out, summer is here, and Congress is working to provide financial relief for COVID-19, in addition to beginning its work on education funding bills for fiscal year 2021. Over the last few months, COVID-19 has left many families scrambling to support themselves and ensure their children remain engaged in learning opportunities––at home or in a socially distanced setting during summer.
Additionally, summer is traditionally a tough time when it comes to providing meals for thousands of children but the abrupt start to summer as a result of the pandemic has created an acute sense of food insecurity in many communities. Lastly, due to the financial impact of COVID-19 the nonprofits that serve low-income communities are struggling to provide ongoing services and are in dire need of support from Congress. For these reasons, it is critical that Congress continue to provide robust funding and support for out of school time programs, summer meals, and nonprofits.
Take action now by sending this prewritten letter to your members of Congress asking them to invest in three critical areas: Summer meals, the WORK NOW Act, and Title programs under the Every Student Succeeds Act (ESSA).